Privacy Policy


We are committed to protecting your personal data; any information you provide is treated with strict confidentiality. Any personal details provided on this website are only for us to consult and will not be shared with third parties without your permission.

Please be aware that your personal information is subject to secure computer processing in order to confirm your registration and to manage our business relations before, during and after your trip. It is also necessary for the delivery of products and services, the management of subscriptions and for processing credit card and or other payment methods. Unless you advise us otherwise, we reserve the right to use this information to send you various commercial documents - brochure requests and registrations are processed by computer.

In accordance with the law ‘Informatique et libertés’ originally enforced 6th January 1978 and modified in 2004, you have the right to access and rectify any information concerning you. Contact us to exercise this right; you can also oppose any data processing about you for legitimate reasons.


It is strictly forbidden to take and use any copies of this website or its content (structure, texts, sounds, logos, images...) without our permission and action may be taken against you if you do not respect this.


For any technical questions or for more information about this website, please contact our webmaster at: